Why Do Business in Ipswich?

Small Business Friendly Council

The first council in Queensland to sign on as a Small Business Friendly Council.

The Small Business Friendly Council charter reinforces the commitment of council to support Ipswich small businesses by reducing red tape and making it easier to do business across the region.

Small businesses are at the heart of the Ipswich economy.

Small Business Friendly logo

Strategically located

Strategically located with access and connectivity. Connected to six major highways, three airports, the Port of Brisbane and rail network with a planned intermodal transport hub


Globally connected

Globally connected with a strong visitor and events economy. More than 2 million people visit the city each year.


Future orientated

Future orientated and with light and heavy Industrial land opportunities to suit any enterprise

Facts about Ipswich


Ipswich contributes to 15.2% of manufacturing exports in Queensland


Home to Australia’s Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Australia’s largest military air base Amberley

Health Care and Social Assistance

The largest employer with projected growth of 235% over the next 20 years

There Are so Many Great Reasons to Invest in Ipswich

Economic Profile

Future Vision

Key Projects and Developments


Ipswich Lifestyle

Business Success Stories

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