With over 2 million visitors per year, Ipswich is recognised as a growing tourist destination within the South East Queensland market. The city has seen a trend in overseas visitors for holiday and recreation purposes. Investment opportunities exist to fulfil the increased interest in signature events, nature-based recreation, restaurants and cafes.
Discover Ipswich
Ipswich City Council partners with local industry to positively promote the best experiences our region has to offer and increase visitor demand, visitor arrivals and visitor expenditure.
Ipswich Tourism Operators Network (ITON)
The Ipswich Tourism Operators Network (ITON) brings together all sectors of the local tourism industry, including accommodation venues, attractions, tour operators, restaurants and cafes, entertainment venues and transport providers to promote the City of Ipswich as a leisure and business event destination.
ITON provides a forum for Ipswich tourism businesses and Ipswich City Council’s tourism team to network, share information and collaborate.
Businesses interested in joining ITON and promoting with Discover Ipswich can find out more at: